Healing & Freedom

Walk in the full victory that is yours in Jesus

Experience real hope (and true help) to live the life for which you were created … whole, loved, healed, free.

Events & Info


Keep up with Dr. Tammy Smith’s schedule and find out where and when she’ll be speaking at an event near you!


Listen in as Dr. Tammy Smith chats with guests about the journey toward healing, transformation and victory.

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Purchase Dr. Tammy Smith’s video series, study guides, and in-depth teachings filled with victory, joy and peace.

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Invite Dr. Tammy Smith to speak at your event

Experience real hope (and true help) to live the life for which you were created … whole, loved, healed, free.

Soul Healing Refresh

The new Soul Healing video series is here!

Upcoming events

28 Mar
All day

Violet Baptist Church Women’s Retreat Berlin, OH For more information contact Karen Bramlish at Karenlynn8966@yahoo.com

05 Apr
All day

Held at Camp Christian, Marysville, Ohio For more information contact klmiller373@gmail.com

12 Apr
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

KNOWN: Women's Weekend When: Saturday, April 12 | 8:30am - 4:00pm 8:30am: Check-in + Breakfast 9:30am: Speaker Session I 11:30am: Lunch + Fellowship 12:45pm: Speaker Session II 2:45pm: Final Activity


Soul Healing has been an amazing thing in my life!

As a guy, I think we need to dig deep. We need to look into our past. We need to look at our hurts. We need to look at our successes and failures and figure some of that stuff out. Because I know, especially for men, we bury that, and it will come out in some way. God has brought so much healing through my life through just spending time with him, recognizing those hurts, allowing him to heal those things in my life. And it’s been phenomenal.


Latest podcast episodes

Soul Talk Podcast
The Illusion of Control

The Illusion of Control with Susan McCrabb // Why, even when we know life is