Empowered by Grace
A Conference for All Women
January 17-18, 2025
Vista Community Church, Dublin, Ohio
Experience the power of living your truest, most inspired and authentic self! Join us for a dynamic two-day event featuring multiple teaching sessions with author, speaker and counselor, Dr. Tammy Smith. As the world continues to shout at you to find your confidence through power, money, security, control, relationships, sex and other worldly offerings, God calls you to a life of empowerment through surrender, sacrifice and service. All by his grace. We will journey together through musical worship, fellowship, break-out sessions, prayer and radical transparency.
Join us for a transformational weekend through a community of women including breakouts designed with more specific areas of need and interest in mind. Workshop leaders include:
Friday, Jan 17, 7-9pm (registration starts at 6pm)
Saturday, Jan 18, 9am-3pm (coffee and pastries at 8am, lunch provided)
At Vista Community Church, 5626 Frantz Rd., Dublin, Ohio 43017
$35 before Jan 10, $40 after Jan 10 – Full Conference
$20 before Jan 10, $25 after Jan 10 – Friday Only!
Refund Policy:
Registration fees are fully refundable before January 10th. After January 10th refunds will be handled on a case by case basis. All refund requests need to be submitted in writing to kim.webb@vistacommunitychurch.org
Contact soulhealing4ever@
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED – Please come and register onsite!
Grace Upon Grace Parenting by Ali Hooper
One of the reasons parenting is so hard is because there is no one-size-fits-all style of parenting. The ways in which we parent are diverse, and for good reason because the needs of our children are diverse. Rather than more expert parenting advice, how about a bit more grace? Gleaning from her experience as an educator and mental health professional, Ali Hooper, a mother of four, will share a bit about her experience working with students and families. She will offer a few practical parenting tools, including ways to better integrate one of the most valuable practices in parenting, the practice of grace upon grace.
Empowered by Covenant Friendship by Takasha Smith
Somewhere along the way our culture has come to value romantic relationships over everything, but the Bible is full of stories that show the beauty of covenantal friendship. Let’s discover the profound joy and transformative power of friendships rooted in Christ. In this breakout session, we’ll explore how biblical principles shape our relationships, foster deeper connections, and create a community of love and support. Learn how authentic, God-centered friendships not only reflect His grace but also empower us to face challenges, grow spiritually, and live with purpose.
Ordinary People for Extraordinary Purpose by Alyssa Forrest & Kristen “Cone” Murray
God equips the called; He doesn’t call the equipped. Amidst our mess, amidst feeling ordinary, and amidst our insecurities, God has intentionally placed each of us with great purpose in order to join Him in the greatest rescue mission to win the world back to Himself.
We will explore what it means to be missional right where God has put you instead of wishing you were somewhere or someone else. Contentment in calling and capability will transform your life and empower your days!
Journey to Empowerment by Shari Burnheimer and Zoe Hafner
Have you ever felt less than, ashamed, or even unworthy because you’re a woman? Has anyone ever told you that you’re not good enough, incapable, or that your voice doesn’t matter? Are you ready for a second opinion? Come join us for a soul walk in God’s beautiful garden to hear your Creator’s voice, know the true story of you, and be empowered by His Spirit to live with vision and strength.
Shari Burnheimer’s greatest joy in life is walking with other women towards the deep things of Jesus. She loves worshipping Jesus and for 30+ years of ministry, Shari has led healing prayer in spiritual formation spaces of all kinds. She is presently in formal training to be a Spiritual Director. But what overcomes her with joy upon joy is her family, including the three awesome grandsons.
Alyssa Forrest is a mom to two little girls (ages 5 and 3) and has been married to her husband for 8 years. She grew up in a Christian home and can recall moments of deep friendship with Christ from an early age. She discovered her love for helping others to love and follow Jesus in high school through the ministry of Young Life. She went on to be a volunteer leader and then worked as an Area Director for Young Life for 6 years. In recent years, she felt God urging her to follow his lead outside of Young Life. She has been navigating the corporate world as an Account Manager for a pharmaceutical tech company for the last 2 years. In every season, her greatest passion comes back to walking alongside lost people with the hope of sharing God’s love and promise of life to the full.
Zoe Hafner is on the pastoral staff of Heritage Christian Church overseeing Women’s ministry and Local mission. At heart, she’s a behind the scenes servant-girl whose life of great joys and deep losses has crystalized Jesus as her Person, her Refuge, her Rock, her Soulmate. She loves seeing and walking with ones as they take brave steps of faith in living life as a Beloved Child of the Faithful One. She delights in being a mom of five and hands-on Yiayia to three delicious Little-loves. Her happy place is outside under the sun, hands in the sand or soil of earth.
Ali Hooper is a wannabe farm girl harvesting flowers, grace and stories. She lives with her husband and four kids in a small town outside of Columbus, Ohio where she also works as a school counselor. There she serves middle school students and their families, coming alongside them as they navigate the complexities of school, relationships and mental health. To her, it is all grace upon grace.
Kristen “Cone” Murray is a mom of 4 girls, married for 15 years. She met Christ as a teenager through the ministry of Young Life and went on to serve in Young Life – from volunteer leader, to many different capacities on staff until she felt called to be at home with her girls. Kristen has led many Bible studies, small groups, discussions and spiritual meetings. She is passionate about Christ, and helping others know His truth.
TaKasha Smith is the Executive Director of the Juvenile Justice Coalition, a non-profit advocating for vulnerable youth in the justice system. With over a decade of experience in college ministry, as well as a background in child protection and human trafficking prevention- she has found many different avenues for her passion of healing, advocacy, and justice for those who are forgotten. Most importantly, TaKasha is an undeserved daughter of the King. She wants to love the people He loves and care about the things that break His heart. She believes the best tool to do that is through the local church and is a dedicated leader, teacher, and board member at Vista Community Church.