Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas for 20 years
29 years in Independent Counseling Practice
Previous Regional instructor American Association for Christian Counselors
Attention to the whole person within the context of God’s framework of Truth and reliant upon the person and work of Jesus through His Spirit.
Focus on development of emotional, relational, and spiritual maturity through a variety of modalities, dependent upon the presenting concerns of the individual(s).
Unearthing present impediments to personal and relational success, to include exploration of formative events, circumstances and contextual variables.
Exercising of new skills through real-life processing and healthy “tools,” for the goal of living the abundant peace and joy-filled life of Christ’s followers.
Ultimate goal of freedom and victory in life from here forward.
Tammy has a considerable waiting list. She gives priority to people in ministry including pastors, campus ministers, counselors, and their spouses.